More Gardening Tips for April

Posted by on Apr 13, 2015 in Food, Garden, Gardening time of the month | Comments Off on More Gardening Tips for April

More Gardening Tips for April

Invest in irrigation
Set on a timer basis, watering at night when less water will be lost by evapotranspiration too, is evnironmentlly friendly. We can install and set u the whole system for stress free watering and a lush garden, even for you Hanging Baskets.

Plant a Summer fruiting and Autumn fruiting variety. Keep plants as individual Stools that can prosper into about 5 or 6 Spawns (young growth shoots) per Spool. Check nets are entact to keep birds from feasting on them, and even butterflies from laying eggs.

Deadhead Daffodils, give a ground feed, and don’t cut back until leaves go yellow or they won’t flower next year
Winter Shrubs. Daphnes, Viburnums and other winter shrubs can be pruned now so that through the summer they put on healthy new growth to flower well in Winter.

Really give lawns a deep scarify now ( we totally blitz clients lawns for the best summer performance).
Ripping out all the thatch, moss, weeds and couch grass… It will look awful initially, but with tlc, a good raking a top quality loam and overseed ..and regular watering …it will totally make the difference. Some fork aerating will help too with compacted sites

For help on the above items, please give us a call or send us a message.